
The Chaplaincy is one of the ways that we can support and care for each and every person within our school community. The Chaplaincy is led by our Lay Chaplain, Hannah Fair who is supported by our 35 Spiritual Development and Wellbeing Student Leaders.

The Chaplaincy has four main aims: 

  • To provide opportunities to celebrate our Catholic faith in Worship. 
  • To encourage our students and staff to grow in faith; by exploring our beliefs in Jesus Christ and his Church. 
  • To offer a welcoming space for students to come when they are in need of support and guidance. 
  • To serve our local and global community through practical works of charity. 

We are very blessed to have a beautiful Chapel that is accessible for all staff and students at Blessed Robert Sutton, giving each and every person the opportunity to explore their faith and pray in a way that they know how. 

Our faith in Jesus Christ is the centre of our community at Blessed Robert Sutton, primarily through the core message of Jesus: “Love your neighbour as you love yourself.” (Luke 10:27) We are all together as one community and support and care for each other in this way.