Results and Achievements

Blessed Robert Sutton Catholic Voluntary Academy is a high performing, inclusive community in which all students fulfil or exceed their potential. Academic achievement for many learners regardless of prior attainment, gender, SEND and background far exceeds the national average. 

At GCSE we now have a four-year trend of great Progress 8 scores. These results are some of the strongest across Staffordshire.  

The latest Department for Education School Performance Tables for Blessed Robert Sutton Catholic Voluntary Academy can be accessed by clicking the link below:

DfE School Performance Tables

The table below shows results for 2019, 2022, 2023 and 2024

Performance Data: Key Stage 4 ResultsResults 2019Results 2022Results 2023Results 2024Local Authority Average 2024
Progress 8 Score+0.01+0.29+0.30+0.28
Attainment 8 Score45.451.648.050.243.7
% of pupils achieving a strong pass (grade 5 or above) in English and Mathematics38%65%52%60%40%
% of pupils achieving a standard pass (grade 4 or above) in English and Mathematics60%88%76%78%62%
% of pupils entering for the EBacc14%17%39%74%32%
% of pupils staying in education or entering employment after KS497%97%97%96%94%