Our daily Form time programme has been designed to support you in making the transition into adulthood. Each day your tutor will deliver resources that help fulfil our school values.
Each year group is led by a Year Leader who is supported by the Pastoral Team.
Being a form tutor is one of the key and often most rewarding roles at Robert Sutton. The tutor will stay with their form from year 7 all the way through to the end of year 11.
The relationship developed between form tutor and their students is an extremely strong one. They are involved in the often stressful transition from primary to secondary school, where routines and expectations are learned in a supportive environment, from first meeting the tutor and their parents, to helping them settle in during the early stages of their time with us.
Form tutors are pivotal in the key landmarks of student’s progress through our school. They act as mentors both academically and developmentally and as advocates for their group. All tutors will use tutor time to talk to and guide students either individual on a rota or in small groups if similar topics arise.
Form tutors are the first ‘point of call’ for contact from teachers regarding successes and misdemeanours by their tutees and also with parents. They will develop an in depth understanding of the members of their tutor group, throughout their time at Robert Sutton, sharing in their successes and their mistakes. From counselling through the options process to starting out on and hopefully sharing in students GCSE results! By this time the tutor should have a clear understanding of their students and are keenly placed to help the transition either onwards with accurate reference writing or transition into sixth form and beyond, where again they will be critical to help with references for university, apprenticeships or work place applications.
Up to five years with students as a tutor can creates a special bond, often lasting longer than their time at Robert Sutton, where news of success well into adult life is still shared!