Catholic Social Teaching and British Values

At Blessed Robert Sutton, we believe that education extends beyond academics; it is a journey of personal and spiritual growth rooted in the teachings of the Catholic faith. Our commitment to Catholic Social Teaching (CST) shapes not only our curriculum but also the values and character of our students.

CST emphasizes the dignity of every person, the importance of community, and the call to serve others, reflecting Christ’s love for humanity. Through a variety of subjects and extracurricular activities, we integrate principles of social justice, respect for the environment, and active citizenship, empowering students to recognize their role in the wider world.

By engaging with these teachings, our students learn to appreciate diversity, promote the common good, and act with integrity and compassion. Blessed Robert Sutton is more than an academic institution; it’s a nurturing environment where students are inspired to become thoughtful, informed, and socially responsible individuals who contribute positively to society. Join us in cultivating a community of learners who are not only academically equipped but also guided by faith and purpose.’

Robert Sutton Catholic is committed to serving its community. The school embraces the belief that at the heart of a modern ever-changing community is the acceptance of key British values, which it has a responsibility to promote. In doing so, our learners will be able to grow as individuals and citizens within the community and country in which they live. Under-pinning all our work on Personal Development are our Catholic Values. Throughout our Personal Development plan, these are closely linked to the British values of “Democracy, rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance.

Students are given frequent opportunities to reflect upon both the British Values and our distinct Christian Values in collective worship, Character lessons, tutor time, lessons and enrichment/cultural opportunities.


  • Students have numerous opportunities to have their views heard through for example, student voice, voting in assemblies, Student Leadership Team, specific students led groups including Student Council, Mental Health Ambassadors, Literacy Ambassadors, Peer Mentors, charity work, modelling behaviour for learning, the assembly themes and throughout the curriculum.

The rule of law 

  • Students are taught to have a high regard for the laws that govern and protect us, the responsibilities that this involves and the consequences when laws are broken.
  • Students are taught these values and the reasons behind laws, whether they govern the classroom, the school or the country, that are essential for their well-being and safety. Students are encouraged to have healthy debates in class on the matter to encourage recognition of the importance of the law.
  • We organise visits from a range of other agencies throughout the academic year in an effort to reinforce the reality and importance of this message.
  • Our Behaviour and Rewards policy establishes a clear use of rewards and sanctions.
  • Positive behaviour to and from school is reinforced through assemblies and by the presence of staff on duty outside school.

Individual liberty 

  • We foster a safe and supportive environment where students are actively encouraged to make choices. Whether it is choosing a challenging task or an extra-curricular club, students have the freedom to base their choices on their interests.
  • Students are taught about their rights and personal freedoms and are encouraged and advised on how to exercise these safely.

Mutual respect 

  • Respect is one our school values and forms a core pillar of our school ethos. Students are treated with respect and learn to treat each other and staff with respect.
  • This is reinforced through our Behaviour and Rewards Policy and posters and key messages throughout the school promoting core values


  • We acknowledge that tolerance is achieved through students’ knowledge and understanding of their place in a culturally diverse society and the opportunity for students to experience such diversity.
  • Throughout the year, assemblies are held focusing on anti-bullying, with reference to prejudice-based bullying, and discussion is encouraged in form time.
  • Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs is supported through the curriculum and as part of our Character education programme.
  • We encourage our students from different faiths or religions to share their knowledge with their peers to enhance their learning.

Curriculum links 

The school seeks opportunities to draw links between British Values and curriculum subjects wherever possible to enhance students’ learning. For further information please refer to our Curriculum Intent pages.