Emergency Closure
Information about the school procedures when bad weather forces a closure.
If snow is forecast the situation will be assessed at 6am to decide on the suitability of opening the school. Should it prove inadvisable to open the school, the bus companies are contacted and the buses cancelled. In addition, Radio Derby will be contacted and asked to announce that the school is closed, a notification will be posted on both the school and Staffordshire County Council websites, and a Classcharts message will go to all parents/carers. The information will also be published on our social media.
On days following the closure, please listen to Radio Derby, consult both the school and/or Staffordshire County Council website and look out for messages on Arbor.
In the event of the school having to close early, there is a well-rehearsed drill to contact the bus companies and arrange for students to be evacuated.
These procedures will be in place for any emergency that will require the school to close either part way through the day or in the event of being unable to open at all.
Closure work
If for any reason school has to be closed, work will be set for students on Arbor.