Art Textiles
Curriculum Intent
Overall aim of Textiles at Blessed Robert Sutton is that all pupils from Year 7 to Year 11 will gain a coherent knowledge and understanding about diverse textile techniques, designers and materials, together with a deep understanding of Design and Technology enlightened by the Sutton Way.
Textiles will teach Spiritual Development by:
Pupils developing an appreciation of God’s creation and an understanding of the spiritual connections to artwork. Pupils will understand the importance of Textiles in different cultures. Pupils will learn to contribute to and engage as confident citizens and future professionals to the culture, creativity, economic success, leisure, material and emotional wellbeing of our society within both national and global contexts.
Textiles will teach Social Excellence by:
Pupils developing a range of teaching strategies that allow opportunities for pupils to work effectively as a community. Class discussions will develop pupils’ abilities to work effectively as a team; communicating, respecting, listening and developing each other’s ideas.
Textiles provides an opportunity for and engagement in leisure pursuits that can yield lifelong benefits in health, wellbeing and life satisfaction.
Textiles will teach Academic Excellence by:
Enabling students to engage with and explore visual, tactile and other sensory experiences and how to recognise and communicate ideas and meanings. These opportunities enable them to work with traditional and new techniques, so that they develop confidence, competence, imagination and creativity. Through these opportunities they learn to appreciate and value images and artefacts across times and cultures, and to understand the contexts in which they were made. Experiences will enable students to learn how to reflect critically on their own and others’ work.
Art Textiles Learning Journey
Useful Documents
Curriculum Intent KS4 Art Textiles
Curriculum Intent KS3 Art Textiles
Art Textiles Revision Tips
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