Curriculum Intent
By studying History at Blessed Robert Sutton, all pupils from Year 7 to Year 11 will gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world enlightened by the Sutton Way.
History will teach Spiritual Development by:
Pupils being confronted with moral and ethical dilemmas faced by people of the past. Teaching will encourage pupils to develop an understanding and appreciation of spirituality in different time periods which will enable them to reflect on their own spirituality and expose them to the wide diversity of human experience.
History will teach Social Excellence through:
A range of teaching strategies that allow opportunities for pupils to work effectively as a community. Class discussions will develop pupils’ abilities to work effectively as a team; communicating, respecting, listening and developing each other’s ideas.
History will teach Academic Excellence by:
Developing an understanding of the academic rigours of studying History. Pupils will develop an understanding and appreciation of historical knowledge. Teaching will equip pupils to ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence, sift arguments, and develop perspective, judgement and historical literacy. Additionally, pupils will gain an understanding of sources and interpretations of the past and develop source analysis skills and the ability to evaluate the content and provenance of sources.
History Learning Journey
Useful Documents
What A Great Lesson Looks Like BRS History
History Revision Tips
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