Curriculum Tag: PE

Physical Education

Curriculum Intent

At Blessed Robert Sutton we aim through the PE department to:

  • Positively develop the physical, mental and social wellbeing of all students
  • Promote lifelong enjoyment and participation in physical activity through a balanced curricular and extra-curricular programme
  • Ensure students are confident to learn new skills by revisiting prior learning and linking this to current learning
  • Provide challenge through a broad curriculum with a wide range of sporting activities to encourage all students to engage from the start of Year 7
  • Treat every child as an individual

Physical Education will teach Spiritual Development by:

Students participating fully within PE, being role models within curricular and extra-curricular activities and teaching each other to respect the views of others.

Physical Education will teach Social Excellence through:

Consistent correct uniform, being attentive in all lessons and using your initiative to overcome barriers.

Physical Education will teach Academic Excellence by:

Ensuring students are resilient learners, are respectful to others and take an active part in lesson.

PE Learning Journey